Aug 1, 2023

Unlock the Power of Software Development Outsourcing in Egypt

Unlock the Power of Software Development Outsourcing in Egypt

In today's digital era; businesses are increasingly recognizing the importance of having a strong online presence through mobile or web applications. However, the decision to embark on a digital transformation journey involves careful considerations. As an entrepreneur, you may find yourself pondering whether to hire in-house developers or leverage the expertise of outsourcing vendors. Interestingly, many successful startups, including renowned companies like Skype, Slack, GitHub, and Heroku, have relied on outsourcing vendors. This approach is not limited to the tech industry but extends to various businesses worldwide. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why outsourcing software development to Egypt is a favorable choice compared to the global market.

6 Reasons to Outsource Your Software Development Cycle to Egypt

Abundant Talent Pool:

Egypt possesses a highly skilled talent pool, positioning it uniquely among global outsourcing destinations. With a population of over 100 million, of which 50% fall within the 15-44 age range, Egypt offers a vast resource of potential professionals. The country boasts over 50 universities and 100 institutes, producing approximately 500,000 graduates annually. With a focus on business process services and IT-related fields, Egypt ranks among the top destinations for outsourcing, alongside Poland, Ukraine, and India.

Competitive Labor Cost:

Egypt offers one of the most competitive operating costs per full-time employee, as reported by the International Data Corporation. In comparison to other popular nearshore locations in Europe, such as Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, or Poland, Egypt provides significant cost savings, reaching up to approximately 50%.

Trust of Global Brands:

Egypt serves as a hub for multinational companies and organizations seeking access to the African and Arabic-speaking regions. Companies like Uber, Siemens, Nestlé, HSBC, IBM, Vodafone, and Dell have leveraged Egypt's favorable conditions for their global operations.

Strategic Location:

Situated at the heart of the EMEA region, Egypt enjoys a unique location akin to the central European zone. With a time difference of approximately +6 hours from US time zones and -6 hours from far east Asian time zones, operating seamlessly across different regions becomes feasible without the challenges posed by extreme time differences faced in countries like India and the Philippines.

Data Protection Laws:

Egypt has recently introduced a draft law that aims to protect the personal data of Egyptian citizens and non-citizen residents processed electronically by controllers or processors. This demonstrates the country's commitment to data protection and privacy, providing reassurance to businesses seeking secure outsourcing destinations.

Thriving Entrepreneurial Ecosystem:

Egypt's entrepreneurial ecosystem is flourishing year by year, with an increasing number of startups securing investment deals in 2019, as reported by MAGNiTT. The country has established itself as a hub for innovation and entrepreneurship in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.

Rubikal is Your Trusted Offshore Development Partner in Egypt

When considering outsourcing your software development needs, Rubikal is a trusted Egyptian-based software company with over seven years of experience. We specialize in building web, desktop, and mobile solutions and game development, as well as offering UI/UX design and QA testing services. Our portfolio showcases projects of varying scale and complexity, and our satisfied clients from the USA, UK, Canada, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and other countries attest to our expertise and commitment to delivering exceptional results. To learn more about our collaborations and what our clients say about working with us, please visit our verified client reviews on our Clutch profile. Partner with Rubikal now and unlock the vast potential of outsourcing your software development to Egypt.

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Are you passionate about coding and software development? Do you have the skills and expertise to contribute to our versatile arsenal? If so, we invite you to explore our available positions and join our dynamic team of professionals. We are seeking talented individuals who can bring innovation and creativity to our projects. Take the next step in your career, and check out our current job openings here. We look forward to welcoming you to our team!