Aug 20, 2023

Unlocking Success: How Software Team Augmentation Can Propel Your Projects Forward

Unlocking Success: How Software Team Augmentation Can Propel Your Projects Forward

According to Gartner, the 4.6 trillion dollar IT industry is expected to grow by a whopping 5.5% in 2023 (that growth rate surpasses many first-world exporting economies!) And as demand keeps shooting up to this limitless sky, software team augmentation seems to be the only logical remedy to balance this challenging conundrum of keeping the supply  steady in relation to the demand. Now in this blog, we will be discussing how software team augmentation can elevate your business forward, and how it can solve so many problems you once thought were insolvable.

What is Software Team Augmentation?

Software team augmentation refers to the process of hiring an external team of software developers to work alongside your in-house team on a project or duration basis. This strategy has become increasingly popular among businesses of all sizes, offering numerous benefits that we are going to skim through in just a second.

The Benefits of Software Team Augmentation:

When you opt for software team augmentation, you gain access to a vast pool of skilled software developers worldwide. This means that you can easily find and hire developers with the specific skills, coding languages, and talents required for your project, regardless of their location. This broader talent pool increases your chances of finding top-tier developers who can bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to your projects.

Software team augmentation allows you to augment your in-house team with additional resources to complete projects faster. This is because you can hire developers on an as-needed basis, with the option to scale up or down as the project progresses. By leveraging the expertise of external developers, you can accelerate your development cycles, meet deadlines, and deliver high-quality software within shorter timeframes.  According to a report by Deloitte, 59% of businesses that outsource software development do so to access specialized skills and knowledge not available in-house. So, in other words, to keep up with competition, you’ll need to join the trend because, according to the data, the future is headed towards a more globalized and interconnected third-party-based software development ecosystem.

With economies experiencing constant fluctuations and the ongoing threat of instability and layoffs, businesses face significant challenges in maintaining their operations and workforce stability. So, hiring an in-house team of skilled software developers can be quite expensive. On the other hand however, software team augmentation offers a cost-effective solution as you only pay for the services of the developers you hire for the project’s duration, which means you can save a considerable amount of money on salaries, benefits, training, and office space. Additionally, you can avoid the long-term financial commitment associated with hiring and maintaining a full-time, in-house team.

Time to market is indeed one of the most important benefits to reap from the augmentation model. For startups and companies that have been granted a sufficient seed fund, time to market comes second to nothing. If all the capital that has been invested in your company is tied to a software-related product, it is crucial that you develop a strategy that will realize this idea and release it to market as soon as you possibly can. 

How Can Rubikal Help With Your Team Augmentation Process?

Experience the extraordinary results of Rubikal's software development expertise and leverage some of the best staff & team augmentation solutions in the market. Whether you're seeking a custom software solution or looking to elevate your project to new heights, our team of passionate software engineers is here to bring your vision to life. With over 15 verified client reviews on Clutch and extensive experience with projects in both the EU and North America, you can simply rely on our augmentation models to get you where you belong and to realize your dream all the way from the ideation phase to deployment. Contact us today to embark on a journey where perfection is the only destination, and let Rubikal unlock the limitless potential of your software projects.

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What is The Difference Between Staff Augmentation and Team Augmentation?  

Staff augmentation involves hiring an individual or a group of individuals to work for a company on a temporary basis, while team augmentation involves hiring a team of individuals with specific skills to work on a project for a set period of time. Staff augmentation is suitable for companies that require additional resources to complete short-term projects. In contrast, team augmentation is ideal for companies that need to build a team with specific skills to complete a project.

Is Team Augmentation a Smart Idea for Startups?

Team augmentation can be a smart idea for startups. As a startup, you may not have the resources to hire a full-time staff for all your business needs. Team augmentation allows you to hire additional team members for a specific project or period of time. This can be a cost-effective way to get work done without committing to a long-term hire. However, be sure to consider the skills and expertise you need carefully and look for vendors who have experience working with startups, as big firms tend to overcomplicate projects, which may affect your time to market and lead to budget/cost overruns. 

How Long Does the Process of Augmenting a Team Usually Take?

With this question, there is no one-cap-fits-all kind of answer, really. It varies depending on the size of the vendor, the size of your project, the languages and expertise required, and the strategies you wish to deploy before you kickstart your development cycle and recruit your dream team. With that being said, time to market is usually easier with development firms that have fewer business bureaucracies and a long list of approvals that need to be attained before any decision is made or taken. If you want to get out there with your product asap and beat your competition to it on market, the logical way to go about it is via a mid-tier agency with verifiable reviews and a solid portfolio that will not take you weeks to just get past legal!